Course Overview: JavaScript ES2019 in Practice

Mike Sherov
InstructorMike Sherov
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Published 6 years ago
Updated 4 years ago

In this course, we'll learn how to use the new features available in the latest version of javascript, commonly referred to as ES2019. ES2019 is available in the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Node, and are available via compilation with Babel or Typescript.

The goal of this course is to introduce you to opportunities to use ES2019 in real situations from within an existing student grade tracking Nuxt.js application, and explore real world use cases and opportunities to use ES2019's new features.

We'll learn together as we discover how to use Object.fromEntries, Symbol.prototype.description, Array.prototype.flatMap, Array.prototype.flat, String.prototype.trimStart, String.prototype.trimEnd, Optional Catch binding, and Array Stable Sorting.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how and when to use ES2019 to accomplish more with less code, and my hope is that you'll be inspired to stay up to date with the latest changes to the core JS language as they come out.

Instructor: [00:01] In this course, we'll learn how to use the newest features available in the latest version of JavaScript, commonly referred to as ES2019.

[00:08] TC39, the technical committee responsible for specifying JavaScript, meets every two months to discuss features and revisions to the spec in a four-stage approval process. Any feature that reaches stage four throughout the year becomes the next year's version of JavaScript.

[00:25] ES2019's features are available in the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, iand the latest versions of Babel and TypeScript, and are also available in versions of Node 12. ES2019 is a relatively small update to the language compared to previous years but still contains useful features and miscellaneous fixes to the language to be aware of.

[00:47] We'll explore ES2019 from within an existing student grade tracking application written in Nuxt.js and explore real-world use cases and opportunities to use ES2019's newest features, features such as optional catch binding, flatMap(), Symbol.protype.description, Array.prototype.flat(), String.prototype.trim(), stable array sorting, and Object.fromEntries().

[01:19] A new version of JavaScript comes out every year. Staying up to date with the language is important as you'll be more likely to encounter new syntax and features as time goes on, allowing you to stay productive in any JavaScript codebase.

[01:31] When you complete this course, you'll know how and when to use ES2019 and how to accomplish more with less code. Let's get started.

~ 6 minutes ago

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